Storing files online
Delivering documents, images and other media over the web
As part of the central union website, you're able to leverage up to 250GB of free, fast storage for any type of file using the media tool.
Always public
Files uploaded to the media tool are public on the internet - and the internet never forgets.
You can upload files using the media tool.
If you face errors uploading a large file, contact IWGB Technology.
Choose a name and folder carefully
Remember, once the link for a file is out there, it's pretty much impossible to change the name and location of a file, as the link will break.
Equally, remember that changing the name of a folder or file will break all existing links to that file.
You can share either the full link to a file, starting, or a short link to a file, starting
Shortlinks are provided for vanity in content the union produces.
If you're embedding a file somewhere, or using it anywhere that users can't see the bare link, it's best to use the full link.
If you're looking for a memorable link, consider creating a custom one using the shortlink tool.
Last updated